Please advise if it corrects your problem. Since you have now reported what appears to be the same problem, I have sent you a link to that patch. I am yet to hear back if this patch corrects the problem reported. The installer is no longer hosted on the HRD commercial website, it was taken down some time ago, so I have uploaded it onto this website so that you may install it for use. Because of this, links to the patch, either a patched JTAlert executable of a complete installer, are not publicly published and only provided to the user reporting the defect. Download You can download the last free version of Ham Radio Deluxe, version 5.24 from this site. The Best Ham Radio Apps for Logging, Rig Control, Digital Modes, Satellite.

They may contain unexpected side-effects. Ham Radio Deluxe - The Radio Amateurs Best Asset. These type of patches are typically on top of non-public release JTAlert code. I am just managing the distribution since it is contains code that has not been through the beta testing that public releases undergo.

Do I just delete this program and down load an updated version or down load a fix?The patch is not a secret. I see that I am not the only one who is having trouble and a link has been sent to some. Is the link to fix the bug a secret? I have older HRD version 5 and the HRD 5 in JT Alert is gray and can not be checked.